Wind: 19km/h NE
Humidity: 86%
Pressure: 1028.78mbar
UV index: 0
23°C / 15°C
21°C / 13°C
23°C / 14°C
20°C / 14°C
This year’s Presentation Dinner will be held on Friday 18th November, starting at 7pm.
The evening, which includes a 3-course meal, will take place in the Club’s Grant Pavilion again this year and will cost £23.95 for adults and just £12 for juniors.
Doors will open at 7pm and dinner will be served from 8pm. The bar will of course be open and it will be a fantastic opportunity to all get together and celebrate the successes of the 2016 season.
Please let us know your menu selections no later than 1st November, payment can come later if you wish but we need to get the orders ASAP.
Alternatively you can download the form here.
Completed forms should be returned along with your payment (£23.95 per person for adults, £12 per person for juniors – cash or cheque payable to Kennington Cricket Club) to Terry Deary: 278 Canterbury Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent TN24 9QN.
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