Wind: 23km/h NNE
Humidity: 84%
Pressure: 1028.78mbar
UV index: 0
23°C / 14°C
21°C / 13°C
22°C / 14°C
20°C / 13°C
For this to be successful again this year we need you to help by making a donation of spare bottles of alcohol or soft drink.
For the last three years, one of our major fund raising events has been our Bottle Bola stall at the Kennington Fayre. For this to be successful again this year we need you to help by making a donation of spare bottles of alcohol or soft drink.
I would ask you all to look in your garage or spare cupboard and dig out that box of strange lager that one of your neighbours brought to your New Years Eve party. Or what about that spare bottle of Shloer that you bought for your Auntie to drink at Christmas only to discover that she preferred gin.
Any donations can be dropped off at the Club most week days when there is either Junior training or matches, or at the week-end when the Senior teams play. All donations will be gratefully received.
The Kennington Summer Fayre is on Saturday 27th June, so donations should be made as soon as possible please.
Many thanks for your support for this fund raising event.
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