Wind: 23km/h S
Humidity: 90%
Pressure: 995.26mbar
UV index: 1
11°C / 2°C
12°C / 3°C
13°C / 5°C
14°C / 8°C
The annual Junior Awards Ceremony will be held at our club on Friday 26th July and will start around 5.30pm.
We will be recognising the efforts and achievements of the children and there will be trophies and awards for each age group, category and team.
We have arranged a bouncy castle for our younger children and their even younger siblings and there will be demonstration games from our Sunday morning groups and the Under 12 and Under 14 squads.
This fun-filled family afternoon and evening will feature a BBQ of sausages and burgers with individual ice creams for all children. The bar will also be open for those slightly older.
In order for us to cater for the appropriate number of attendees we would be grateful if you could confirm the number coming by submitting these details in the form below before Friday 19th July.
We look forward to seeing you all there and to celebrating the performances and efforts of all the children this year. If you have any queries regarding the awards ceremony, please do not hesitate to contact John Cunningham on 01233 612162.
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