Wind: 23km/h S
Humidity: 90%
Pressure: 995.26mbar
UV index: 1
11°C / 2°C
12°C / 3°C
13°C / 5°C
14°C / 8°C
The KCC AGM is this Thursday (23rd November) and will be held in the Grant Pavilion at the Club starting at 7.30pm.
The AGM is your yearly opportunity to have your say on the way the club is run, and vote on who you would like to see in charge of all aspects of it.
Whilst it might not necessarily be the most thrilling way to spend a couple of hours it is important that we get as many there as possible to reflect the interests of club members.
Please try to make every effort to attend if you possibly can, the bar will be open selling drinks to help things along.
We hope to see you on Thursday, please try to be punctual as the sooner we start, the sooner we can finish!
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